
Support The Dice Tower - 2024

Created by Tom Vasel

The Dice Tower is a network and show about reviewing, playing, and talking about games!

Latest Updates from Our Project:

10 Days to Go!
6 months ago – Tue, Jan 23, 2024 at 08:29:33 AM

10 days left in the campaign, and we've blown past the $285K stretch goal! We are very excited that Bryan and Karla Drake will be contributing their Top 100 Games of all Time. 

Up next at 300K: a 36-Hour Marathon! That's right, 36 hours of us streaming games here at the studio. Some old, some new, some great, some terrible! You never know :) 

Check out our playlist of last year's marathon to get an idea of what could be in the books this year if we hit the 300K mark:

That's it for today, but be sure to check back tomorrow as Tom will have, and I quote, a "big stretch goal update." No, I do not know what it is. So you are not alone in your suspense and anticipation! 

Until tomorrow, 

Questions: please email [email protected]


Huzzah and Hooray
6 months ago – Tue, Jan 16, 2024 at 03:07:06 PM

Thank you, thank you, thank you!

We are so excited to be able to come and make content for you all for another year.  We NEVER take it for granted, and we appreciate each and every one of you who has backed the Kickstarter!

From the bottom of our hearts, we are so happy and thrilled.

But let's do more!  We have a lot of stretch goals on the way.  The Drake's top 100, our 36 hour marathon, and having a booth at Essen Spiel are all on the horizon.

And I got something else.  Can't tell you what yet, but I'll announce it in a week and I think several of you will be super excited about this stretch goal.  So stay tuned!

And again, THANK YOU.