
Support The Dice Tower - 2024

Created by Tom Vasel

The Dice Tower is a network and show about reviewing, playing, and talking about games!

Latest Updates from Our Project:

Dice Tower Campaign 2025 is live!
27 days ago – Thu, Jan 16, 2025 at 09:37:54 AM

Our 2025 campaign is live!  Come check it out and support the Dice Tower for another year!  It's Cthulhu time!

Thanks so much for supporting our 2024 campaign.  All physical rewards are now sent.  If you haven't gotten your stuff, make sure you email [email protected] and let him know.


Missing Puzzles, Shipping in Europe, Shipping almost complete!
2 months ago – Wed, Dec 04, 2024 at 01:57:08 PM

Hello everyone!   I want to thank you again for supporting the Dice Tower.  We have more content coming your way with the Winter Spectacular next week, which we have been all working very hard on!

We promised a delivery in December, and we got everything shipped out in time for that to happen (most of the deliveries were in November).  However, the puzzles were delayed - and rather than delay the entire shipment - we shipped everything else, the puzzles will come early February - my apologies about that!   It's a bit extra shipping for us, but I didn't want you to wait to get the other things you requested.

Shipping is almost complete, but I ask that you wait until the end of December before telling us about missing shipments, as the holidays do cause delays, and we are working hard to get everything out.

As to customs fees in Europe - we haven't responded to emails because we were checking with our shipping company.  

So here's the lowdown.  Our shipping company goofed when they sent the packages out. They were in a hurry, and we're very impressed with how quickly they got it, but the customs forms weren't correct.

So many of you have been charged customs, and I'm very sorry about that.

That being said, if it bothers you, I would ask that you

  • Refuse the packages, so that you don't have to pay customs, and we'll try to resend it.

If you can't do that, you can demand that WE pay the customs, but if you do that, you are essentially making your pledge for our content null and void.  We've used the kickstarter funds to get the items, ship them, and send everything out - AND run the Dice Tower for a year.  If you want us to cover customs fees, the money comes out of our pockets, and to be honest - we would have a hard time covering that.

But if you do insist on that, please email me personally at [email protected] and I'll try to handle each request.

If you are missing a promo, please email [email protected] and he'll get it out to you.

Either way, I hope that you are happy with the quality of the items AND the year's worth of content we did.  I'm sorry for the mixups and delays, and we will work to fix what we can, thanks!

I so appreciate you all, thanks for watching!

Shipping has begun! (Shipping update, promo pack pictures, and more)
3 months ago – Wed, Nov 13, 2024 at 05:36:20 AM

(Note: this is a picture intensive update - all the promo packs are at the bottom, but there is some important information first).

Huzzah!  I was hoping to start shipping before December, our projected date, and we have been able to do so.   Domestic shipping has already been going for about a week, and international shipping should start next week.  Realize that there are thousands of shipments, so this will go well into December, but we hope to get everyone their pledges as quickly as possible!

Our main reward for the Dice Tower Kickstarter is our video content, and I hope that you are enjoying it!  Our "12 Games of Christmas videos are going up this week", we have more videos on the docket (wait until you see next week!) and I'm very excited about the Winter Spectacular, less than a month away.

Some promo packs have had damaged or missing promos and for that I am sorry!   If this has happened to you, you can email us at [email protected] and we'll do our best to get the replacement promo out to you.  This DOES really eat into the pledges that we received, however, so I would humbly ask that if you don't care about the promo, to consider not worrying about this.  OR, you can come up to us at any convention next year and we'll give you a replacement for free, saving us a considerable amount shipping.

I know that there are a ton of ways that you could be spending your money, and the fact that you decided to back us is VERY appreciated.  THANK YOU SO MUCH!   I'm very happy with how our stuff has improved this year - both content and quality, and we have so many ideas and changes we want to do in the future.

All right!  Pictures were promised - here they are!  (Note that they are showing front AND back of the promos - you aren't getting two of each!)

If you made it this far THANKS THANKS THANKS!

Pledge Manager about to Close! Shipping in a few months!
6 months ago – Fri, Aug 16, 2024 at 12:55:10 PM

So I'm very happy with the current status of the Kickstarter!  We have received almost all of the promos and the physical stuff is being processed as we speak.  It will take us about a month to process and sort out all the promos, and then prepping for shipping with the fulfillment company might take another month.  Either way, stuff WILL be shipped ahead of our December projected date, so that's very exciting!

Realize that the Kickstarter stuff will be shipped in waves, so some people might get their stuff before others - but if we do it that way, the whole thing will run faster and smoother.

Small note:  I saw some claiming that we were selling stuff at Gen Con from the Kickstarter.  This is categorically not true.   We had stuff from previous years!

The pledge manager WILL CLOSE September 15.   Please make sure your address is updated by that point, and that anything extra you want to add is completed by then.

Overall, I'm hoping you are enjoying the content on our channel - we are working hard to make things better, our audio in our main studio is significantly improved, and I have other things we are doing for future videos to make them better. 

Thanks again for all your support!  We are now about to deep into a month of sorting and boxing, but I hope you enjoy the stuff when you get it.  You'll have it before Christmas, for sure!   

Now back to work on the channel!

The Pledge Manager is Nigh!
10 months ago – Tue, Apr 23, 2024 at 06:43:00 AM

I hope you've been enjoying the Dice Tower content!  Our top 100 games of all time is starting this week, and will lead straight into the Summer Spectacular this June!

But meanwhile, let's talk pledge manager, Backer Kit.

We've just started the "smoke test", which will send the Backer Kit email to about 5% of our backers.  This is just so we can make sure everything is working fine.

On Wednesday night, we'll be sending out the Backer Kit link to everyone, so keep an eye out for that email!

We appreciate your patience, everything is on track with our reward delivery, and the main reward - our content - is going up each and every day!

Thanks so much for your support!